My One and Only Planner

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I was about to tell you that this planner changed my life, but I thought that might be a touch dramatic. So I'll just say that it has changed my day. And every day of my week.

I have always been one for lists, notebooks, and schedules. If you're like me, you likely have 1,001 "to do" items rolling around in your head at any given time. About 6 months ago, my colleague and fellow mastermind member, Lindsay of Mind Money Balance, introduced me to the Productivity Planner*. And, holy smokes, it has completely transformed how I set up my week.

5 reasons why I love it:

  1. It was created by entrepreneurs, which automatically makes this planner function the way I want it to.

  2. The planner helps me focus on the most important tasks of the week, as well as the most important tasks of the day. No more, “I’ll get to that at some point…”. And getting those things done and off my plate right away? That feels sooo good.

  3. It gives me a very simple system to break down tasks into 25 minute increments- or pomodoros- which allows me to really move through projects in a more focused way. Things that I expect to take hours and hours I can often accomplish in one or two 25-minute chunks.

  4. It’s chock-full of inspirational quotes. And I love a good quote.

  5. The planner provides an opportunity for reflection, which is incredibly valuable. What were my weekly wins? What didn’t get accomplished? And, perhaps most importantly, what action am I going to take to make this next week more productive?

No matter which product you choose, I highly recommend that you get a system in place to help you move through the items on your To-Do list! Have other great strategies to share? Send me a message!

* I am not an affiliate or sponsor of the Productivity Planner. I just really, really love it. 

Lauren Ranalliauthor blog