It's Not About You


As an author and business owner, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can connect with more people. I want them to know about my work, my books, my trainings, my interests, and so on.

But then I remember, it's not about me. And guess what? As a fellow author or entrepreneur, it's not about you either. 

Are you looking to connect with more

readers or followers?

I often receive messages from people online asking me to follow their work, promote their book, or give them an endorsement. And, I have to say, it can be very off-putting, especially if this is how they choose to introduce themselves to me (which is usually the case).

So I encourage you not to start your introduction with an ask. Remember, it’s not about you. Sometimes the best thing you can do is show a genuine interest in someone else. And that can start with saying hello. This sounds simple (and it is), but I want you to give it a try.

First, identify 10 accounts online that you like, but who aren’t currently following you.

Second, send each of them a direct message to say hello and share why you like their content. That’s it.


Here’s an example of a time that I introduced myself to Brave and Kind Books, an account that I really enjoy and wanted to connect with.

And guess what? I am now connected and in touch with Brave and Kind Books. So many of my media interviews, book sales, and collaborations have come from just saying hello. So how about you give this a try as well?

Get started and see how many new connections you’re able to make this week!

Looking for additional ideas on how to connect with readers?

Let’s schedule a coaching call!