5 Tips to Create Happy Customers


Last month I fell behind in fulfilling book orders. I have my reasons, but they aren't worth sharing here. Why? Because when it comes to providing great customer service, my reasons for getting behind don't matter to anyone but me. 

What DOES matter is that I proactively emailed those customers to apologize for the delay, offered them a discount code on any future orders, and made sure they knew where to find the free downloadable activities that I have for my books. 


Customer Service is Part of Your Author Brand*

Part of being a successful business and brand is providing exceptional customer service. If you've had a setback or made a mistake with a customer, don't make excuses; just make it right.

But here's the other thing I want you to remember: customer service is not just about making up for mistakes. It's about your customer's entire experience. From the moment they land on your website through the weeks following a purchase, you can find ways to provide a great customer experience.

5 Tips to Provide Great Customer Service as a Self-Published Author

  1. Be proactive in meeting their needs: When it comes to being helpful, do something without being asked. Sending your readers a little bonus- such as a discount code or free resources- can really make customers feel valued.

  2. Know your products: This may sound obvious, but make sure you know everything there is to know about your books so that you can answer questions from your customers. This includes the appropriate age range, available formats, store locations, shipping options, and so on. And don’t forget to include as much information as you can on your website! For example, ensure happy customers by telling them that your book is meant for 3 to 6-year-old kids so they don’t mistakenly purchase it for their 12-year-old grandchild.

  3. Stay positive: Sometimes, customer complaints come at the wrong time. You might be feeling behind, frustrated, or just having a bad day. But remember, your bad day is not this customer’s fault. Having a positive attitude can do wonders for improving interactions and resolving any issues your customer may have experienced.

  4. Personalize their experience: As a small business owner, you are in the position to make your customers feel like people and not “Order #237”. Whenever possible, add a note of thanks, use their first name, or find other ways to add a personal touch to their buying and reading experience.

  5. Respond quickly: Remember how I started off by saying that I was behind in mailing out books last month? So I understand that sometimes a prompt response is not possible. But as much as you can, respond to inquiries quickly, even if it is to say that you are looking into the issue and will get back to them within the next 3 days (and then make sure to get back to them within the next 3 days!).

Remember, happy readers make for repeat customers. So let's show them some love!

How do you provide great customer service? Comment below!

*PS- is the idea of creating your author brand something new to you? Let’s set up an Author Coaching Session, and I can walk you through the top things you’ll need to create your brand and become a recognizable author!